Litchfield Beautification Foundation
A 501c3 Organization

Welcome Note from Our President Ken Dewell

Thank you for visiting our website and experiencing the resort like atmosphere of Litchfield Beach. I am honored to be involved with the LBF board as its President. The Board is comprised of twelve volunteers who have assumed the responsibility of insuring the beauty of our community via the beautification and maintenance of the median and shoulders of Highway 17 from three tenths of a mile south of the entrance to Brookgreen Gardens to Martin Luther King Road (3.4 miles). The mission of the LBF is to maintain this area by mowing, trash pick-up, fertilizing, replacing damaged plants, trimming bushes and insect control – like caring for your own yard. This has been wholly accomplished through a public-private partnership. The Foundation is truly a great example of community involvement. We accomplish our mission with financial support from individual donations, business support, and HOAs/POAs, as well as, financial support from Georgetown County. Approximately eighty percent of our funding is raised through private donations from within the community, while twenty percent of our funding comes from Georgetown County Accommodation Tax revenues.
If you are interested in helping us continue to insure that we have such a beautiful entrance to our communities, please consider making a donation to our ongoing efforts. Donation information can be found on the website.
Thank you again for your interest in the work of the Foundation and learning more about what “Your Gifts at Work” truly means.
Sincerely, Ken Dewell President