Litchfield Beautification Foundation
A 501c3 Organization
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About Us
As you drive south on US 17 from Brookgreen Gardens to the Litchfield/ Pawleys Island area, you will see a transformation of the median from tall overgrown grass to a beautiful oasis of manicured lawns, native palm trees, crape myrtles, and flowering shrubs. These are maintained completely by the consistent generosity of local home owner associations, businesses, Accommodation Tax grants, and generous residents who are dedicated to making this community one of the most beautiful in South Carolina. This scenic stretch of Ocean Highway from Sandy Island Road to Martin Luther King Road has been the labor of love of the Litchfield Beautification Foundation since 2007. With a goal of fostering a unique visible identity and encouraging neighboring communities to follow, the LBF also started a community-wide initiative that further embraces their civic pride with American flag displays along the medians on patriotic holidays.
The 12 member board is a dedicated team of all local volunteers that take on the jobs of operations director, information and web site management, fundraising, public relations, treasurer, secretary, legal advice and more. Ken Dewell, a Tradition resident is our current president.
The hands-on work of maintenance by Waccamaw Landscaping includes weekly mowing, pruning, ground cover, trash pickup seven days a week, and installing flags.
The value of smart planning and green space reaches beyond aesthetics to also enhance everyone’s property values. Time, talent and funding are always needed to keep Litchfield a source of community pride and a beautiful place to live.